Friday 22 November 2013

Proficiency exam sample article

Task: You have been asked to write an article for an international environmental magazine on the topic: Crisis, what crisis? 300-350 words
The crisis we can stop

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the environment has been seriously damaged, whether or nor we are still in time to do something about it is yet to be discovered.
Denying things like Global Warming or a probable future lack of natural resources seems nowadays absurd. Nevertheless most people fail to realise the innumerable ways in which they can contribute to a future crisis by contaminating the world on a daily basis. I say it is high time we analyse our own lifestyles and embrace a new more environmentally-friendly style of living.

There are simple things we can start doing that would really make a difference. I myself have recently taken up cycling as a way to both save energy and avoid polluting the air with exhaust fumes. I have also begun to recycle plastic bottles and paper and to turn off the lights whenever I am not at home.
There are some other activities that require a bit more organisation but that can be done by universities, schools or members of any other communities. Some ideas on what to do include picking up rubbish from natural areas such as beaches or parks, reforesting or planting new trees and launching educational campaigns on how to save the planet.
Last week my sister and I took a group of children from our neighbourhood to a trip organised by our local school. We camped by a beautiful crystal-blue lake in the outskirts of town. Sadly, though, we discovered that other groups of campers had been there before and dropped their litter litterally everywhere but in the dustbins. Great was our surprise when two of the youngest kids voluntarily started cleaning a spot near our tent. Soon we followed in their footsteps inspired by them.
Is it too late to turn things round and make things better? Can we help prevent future wars for oil and water just by teaching our sons to take better care of the existing resources? I may be an optimist but I certainly hope so.
Gustavo AlbarracĂ­n 

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